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Thursday, May 01, 2008

9:08 PM

Sexy YooBin!
Killer legs yo.
((: TOP aka Tempo aka Choi SeungHyun.
*electric shock* Thanks, I needed that.

YOOTOP! Ah, I see hearts.


They should just get married and have hot rapping babies with sexy voices and killer legs and mesmerizing eyes already. On second thought, maybe not.

i could spend my life in this sweet surrender;

Sunday, March 16, 2008

6:39 PM

I switched to Livejournal.

Although I'm keeping this blog, because I think one day I'll get sick of LJ and come back here.

Bye, blog. I love you. *mwacks*

i could spend my life in this sweet surrender;

3:14 PM

I got novelties so appeasing

Feed my fetish please

Satisfy me babe

"Feedback" Janet Jackson

That song is soooo hot, please. After mugging for an hour on Thursday, 4 hours on Friday and 6 hours on Saturday, I think I ran out of the mugging spirit. For the first time in my RV history, I actually finished every single one of my holidy homework. To make things worse, tomorrow is the day of my next Maths test. To make things doubly worse, I just finished reading not one, but two books on How To Deal With Procrastination - don't ask me why I borrowed them - and here I am, doing exactly what I've been trying to get rid of. I guess I really can't work well with my laptop in plain sight. I don't have to elucidate, do I?

Besides, I need a limitless quantity of Cadbury Milk Chocolate bars (because I only eat milk chocolate), Spearmint Mentoes, bubble tea, carbonated drinks, M&Ms, Lays and brainpower. All of which I've run out of. I just finished another row of Mentoes. ): When I die, I'll die a happy person because I've been stuffed with sweets and chocolates. Why are girls so obsessed with chocolates? Because chocolate is comfort food, that's why. Blogger forbids me to type the 'less than three' symbol so I won't even bother trying. All the above mentioned foods contain high amounts of sugar, with the exception of the chips which help to balance it all out with some salt. Why do you need sugar to mug? Because you need craploads of energy to rebuild all the dead brain cells. Why do you have dead brain cells? Are you stupid or are you stupid? I guess I'm stupid. Hell yeah, you are.

ZX was right. Madonna's new album cover looks very sick, the name of the album sounds wrong enough already. And thanks for that mental image of people we know. I bought a new top and a new RED jacket! Although I have enough clothes. I want black shorts. D: Shit I do sound like a bimbo. I had so many things to say last night, but I was busy downloading songs. I believe I downloaded more than 25 songs. Therefore, I can conclude that I should not procrastinate and do things the moment I feel like doing them. I felt like blogging last night. I don't even know what I'm blogging about now. My blog is a dustbin; a very pretty dustbin. I dump all my randomness in there. I need to empty it soon.

I'm... going to return to MSN-ing and downloading more songs. Or searching for more nice photos on deviantart. I will study my maths later! :DDD (The book says that speaking positively will give you more motivation to do work. It ain't working.)



i could spend my life in this sweet surrender;

Thursday, March 13, 2008

9:54 PM

The only thing I ever loved has gone away;
Rhythm of the Rain

I wish I was lying in the middle of that field, breathing in the scent of oncoming rain. It'd start raining. The rain would start off small - you'd be able to feel individual raindrops landing lightly on your skin. Then there will be a slight breeze, bringing heavier rains with it. And suddenly it'd be raining so hard that you can't even open your eyes to stare at the pretty dark clouds. It'd be raining so hard that the only thing you can hear in the sound of rain hitting any open surface. It'd be raining so hard that the only thing you can feel is water running down your skin. It'd be raining so hard that the only thing you can see is darkness - because you can barely open your eyes. It'd be raining so hard that the whole damn world would be washed away into nothingness and you're the only one left in this world and it'd be loud but silent, melancholy but happy, uncomfortable but peaceful. How do I explain this? Typing this makes me want to cry.

Why does time pass so fast? Everything just happens in the blink of an eye. I don't understand how something that happened years ago can feel like yesterday. I don't understand how today can come and go so quickly. 24 hours. 7 days a week. That's 168 hours per week. How did that slip past you, me and everybody else in this world without us noticing? Before you know it, it's the end of the March Holidays.

15 years and 2 months ago, you'd probably be nothing more than a vulnerable thing in your mother's stomache. Or you could be a toddler; or even a teenager. 15 years and 2 months later, your mother's staring at you and wondering how the years went by like 1,2,3 and now you're a moody teenager. Now you're working in the adult world; now you have your own family. Life is definitely short. Take a good look at your baby photos. Who's that chubby, adorable, cuddly creature? Like hell it's you. Oh wait, yes it is.

Why does time crawl so slowly? The world is moving in slow motion. She's still as pretty as ever, he's still as full of energy as he was 5 minutes ago. I thought it was the weekend. Why isn't it the weekend? Oh damn, here comes the Physics teacher. I hate Physics. It's just 24 hours! 7 days! 168 hours. So why can't time just fking hurry up and propel us into the future?

15 years and 2 months ago? How long ago was that - why're you even thinking about a period of time like that? 15 years and 2 months later? That, is so far away. I can't even start to imagine myself as a wrinkled old lady with sagging skin and snowy white hair. I rather not think of myself as a skeletal corpse so soon, thanks a lot. OH PLEASE. Marraige is for noobs!

See, it's been 24 minutes since I first started this post. I didn't even realize it was already so late. Tomorrow during CCA, I'll be wondering when CCA ends so that I can hurry up and finish my homework (don't get me wrong, I am not doing it because I like it). Tomorrow night I'll be praying and wishing that the day was longer by another 5 hours so I get more time to use the computer and start on my homework.

Time is funny. Time is weird. Time is insane. Time is something. Time is nothing. Time is money. Time is useless. Time is necessary. Time is something that nobody can ever define so maybe I should just give up and begin thinking about my Physics assignment.

Books to recommend: The Hoopster; Hip-Hop High School; Homeboyz (All by Alan Lawrence Sitomer) The Hoopster gives a very good, solid introduction of the trilogy, but it only brushes the main point slightly. Disappointing, but a good read. Hip-Hop High School was, to say the least, enlightening. Tee-Ay went through quite a load of shit. Lol. Homeboyz... I'm only half-way through and I like it already.

40 minutes.

Have a nice night. I'm going off to waste my time preparing my uniform for tomorrow.

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i could spend my life in this sweet surrender;

Monday, March 10, 2008

10:06 PM

I know why. ): It's because I'm missing camp like mad and it's showing pretty clearly. Camp has achieved the following:

a) Addled my sense of time
b)Warped my mind about the difference between guys and girls

Let us first discuss about 'a'. When I reached home after going to JE to play PHOTOHUNT with my beloved squadmates, I took a bath and went to sleep at 5.30pm. At 7.00pm I woke up to a very bright room and a very dark sky outside (and to my dad scolding me). My first thoughts were, "Why is it so bright? Where is everybody? Oh FAECES, did I sleep through the firedrill? Why is the floor so soft? Did I steal Yees's sleeping bag somewhere in the middle of the night? Oh my god, I hear my father. Wait, I'm at home." Please note that it was 7.00PM in the morning and not AM. Still, it's not as bad as LNY who went to sleep until 9plus and smsed me after that; not as bad as TZX who slept until 11plus and called me after that, went back to sleep and woke up at 6am to finish his bio assignment; not as bad as KXY who slept until 830am this morning. What a stark contrast to me sleeping from 12am to 1030am.

Moving on to 'b', I had an even weirder dream last night. I was pushed into the guys' toilet behind the hall for some undefined reason. Feeling very puzzled, I walked out, because I clearly remembered wanting to go to the LADIES. I bumped into XinMun when I walked out and what the fuck XinMun just talked to me on MSN right after I typed that.

XM: *stares* Staff, why you come out of the toilet?
Me: What're you talking about? This is the guys' toilet!
XM: No, this is the girls' toilet.
Me: Huh?! There're urinals in that damn place. Only guys use urinals!
XM: Staff, are you okay? Girls use urinals.
Me: What the hell is happening here? *storms into the girls' toilet*
Sim Wei Liang was standing at the sink.
Both of us: *screams*
Me: Eh! What the heck are you doing in the girls' toilet?!
WL: Huh? This is the guys' toilet!


Me: What is wrong with everybody! o.O This is the girls' toilet! See, there's the sanitary bin!
WL: Staff... This is really the guys' toilet. We also need to use the bin one...
Me: You shittin' me?
Me: The guys' toilet is right next door okay? Stop fooling around and go over now.
WL: That's the girls' toilet!
Me: There are urinals and a common shower so stop messing around with my dream and get on with it.
WL: But... But...
BL: But... we don't know how to use urinals.
Me: *frustrated and annoyed and bloody fking hell pissed off* Eh look, I don't know what you guys are playing at but I'm sleepy and tired and exhausted and sick of arguing with you so just...

*Some guy with long hair exits a cubicle - I can't remember the face or the name but I'm pretty sure it's ChiunYuan*
Random guy: *starts combing his long hair the-creepy-female-ghost-way*
Me: *shrieks and shrieks and shrieks*

And then I woke up. See what I mean? I should never have checked the guys' toilet with ZhiXiang. Or checked the guys' bunk for that matter. It gave me nightmares. But the main point is:

I miss camp so damn much, I miss our bunk, I miss my squadmates, I miss Yees's secret surprise midnight birthday celebration (x 2), I miss quarrelling with LNY although we do that every single day but wth, I miss laughing at TZX running over to our bunk in the middle of the night because he didn't want to sleep in the guys' bunk (LMAO), I miss all of us clamming our mouths shut after we spluttered 'shit' and giving LNY the o.O look and shouting "FAECES! DUNG! NOT S***!" after that, I miss eating at night, I miss stumbling over to the toilet after the juniors' light out to get our wash up time, I miss making The Perfect Cup of Milo for my juniors, I miss shivering like crazy in our bunk because the aircon is so screwed and made us all feel so damn cold, I miss watching my juniors get bullied by my squadmates - alright maybe not, I miss jumping around like some crazy woman high on chocolate during our juniors' performances, I miss screaming my lungs out during the campfire, I miss complaining with Lynette about stupid bloody contact lenses, I miss being amazed at BearBear's rather good singing skills (I don't think he reads my blog so it doesn't matter), I miss sleeping 4 hours a day, I miss sleeping on the bus on the way to JEC with my squadmates, I miss it all. ): And it was our last UG camp.

Yeah well that's it. I'm going to go... Alright my baobei #2 is insisting that I type faster so that she can read how she appeared in my nightmare. Byebye. I'll leave all the other stuff to another day.

i could spend my life in this sweet surrender;

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

12:09 PM

I've been having a headache for the past few days and it hasn't exactly ceased so I suppose that gives me a good excuse to stay at home and rest, no? I don't care if you say no because it's too late and I'm already at home. I just returned from the doctor's. I'm not in a very productive mood, although the very reason why I stayed at home is to mug my Singapore Studies (and I have a freaking test tomorrow) and my Elit (& I have a test on Friday). I'm reading another Sky High fanfic. It's hard to get over obsessions when you're me. RuoLan smsed me in the morning. When I was still asleep. & told me she missed me. HEYY I MISS YOU TOO! :D I don't want to eat my medicine. Because one of them requires me to chew first then swallow. What kind of shit medicine needs you to chew first? When I say 'shit' I meant it as an adjective and not a noun.

I had the weirdest dream this morning. Hmmm I say this morning because I woke up at 6, lifted my head off the pillow, was hit with a splitting pain, and decided that I shouldn't go to school. So I went back to sleep, and had the weirdest dream ever. It had something to do with a bunch of my friends, and a bunch of people, running around a building. A lot of people were helping us out - the cleaners, the staff, the clerk? I think there was some maniac with superpowers trying to murder us. And his superpowers were abit difficult to deal with. I know I had to hide in a toilet with a GUY. It was the girls' toilet anyway. And the guards couldn't find us because they were too shy to step into a girls' toilet (hey maybe that's why Mas Selamat still can't be found. HE'S HIDING IN THE LADIES!). And then after that somehow or other we got caught and he gave us a chance or some crap like that. He threw the kids into some parallel dimension or something. And the parallel dimension was a carpark. The outside was kinda dark-ish, like it was late evening or something. And the bloody lights in the carpark seemed to have fused and only one of them was working. OH XIANGYUN WAS IN MY DREAM. I THINK QINYU WAS IN MY DREAM TOO! We had to find 10 items which were seriously rather stupid things like "glowing orange" and "life buoy" (we uncovered a bunch of glowsticks and ripped a tire off a car) and one of the items was a 'dilapitated room' and I think some guy found it. And then when we went into the room (which had bloodstains on the ground) there were alot of drawings on the wall. And we had to do exactly what the drawings portrayed and once the room decided that what we're doing looks right enough, the drawings (which were in red) would turn yellow. And there were a hell lot of stupid stuff. I can only recall having got to pretend to strangle Qinyu. Oh and bite Ningyi on the arm. I should start on a new paragraph.

So when all these drawings finally turned yellow, a small wooden door appeared and we all ran through it. Then we were all tossed into pitch black darkness and we went whirling about for a few seconds before we were dumped unceremoniously onto the ground. Like, ouch? And then some guy exclaimed in horror, "SHIT. WE'RE BACK AT THE CARPARK!" Everybody looked around and panicked. Sure, we were back at the carpark at the exact same place where we started. Only that it was morning or maybe afternoon. Then that guy's brother (yes, I can actually remember that that guy has a younger brother.) exclaimed and pointed to the other side of the carpark, "GOR! THAT'S OUR HOUSE! AND THE TREE OUTSIDE OUR HOUSE." Don't ask me why I dreamt of a tree. Then we gawped. Before Tingg (AH YEAH SHE WAS IN MY DREAM TOO!) shrieked and pointed back at the other direction. Then we turned and we saw THAT EVIL GUY wearing a white nightdress (wth?) that was striped with green paint. He saw us. And he balked. And he turned and FLOATED away. He floated downstairs. So we all ran after him, hoping he'd lead us somewhere. Then the more we chased, the faster he floated and he floated and floated and he had a beard and he floated until he led us out into sunlight and he became incinerated and he dropped into a pile of pathetic ashes. And that place looked eerily like the carpark next to my building. In real life, I mean.

A series of things happened and suddenly we saw an old old woman - who looked like the one running about with us before we got thrown into said parallel dimension. She didn't see us. Feeling very worried, we started walking around the place, and seeing alot of familiar faces, all those people who had been with us. They all couldn't seem to see us, and they were all so OLD. Somehow or another we ended up at a temple. And there was this lady praying at the altar. Then one of the guys cried out, "HEY THAT'S OUR MOM!" Yeah it's those brothers again. But when they ran to her, she ignored them totally. The rest of us went nearer and we heard her mumbling, "Please let my boys be safe. I don't know where they are but I don't want them to be hurt." It was all so "awww". I think I may have cried in my sleep. Then there was this other old woman. Who was a very pretty lady before we all ended up somewhere else. She was smiling at us. What the... she could see us! So I ran to her and tried to ask her what was going on. And she refused to say anything, she just smiled again very sadly, and then one tear rolled down her cheek and she hugged me. ?!?!!?! So I... hugged her back? Then we walked back to the carpark, and all of us were sobbing and sniffling for some stupid unknown reason and then my father woke me up and told me it was going to be 10 o'clock already. I just wasted half an hour recounting this dream. Or nightmare. Depending on how you look at it. I gotta go eat my medicine. I can't believe I actually remembered all that. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I EVER REMEMBERED A DREAM SO CLEARLY. Except for the nightmare about the tunnel. Which I really don't feel like recounting because it's so fking creepy. Bye, have a nice day.

i could spend my life in this sweet surrender;

Sunday, March 02, 2008

3:46 PM

He looks totally like my Viper. o.O

I probably don't strike you as someone who'd go gaga over a sweet love song but WTH, I went gaga over this sweet love song. TAYLOR SWIFT, YOU ROCK THE WORLD (please stop writing songs that'll make me cry)!

i'd lie - taylor swift

I don’t think that passenger seat

Has ever looked this good to me

He tells me about his night

I count the colors in his eyes

He’ll never fall in love he swears

As he runs his fingers through his hair

I'm laughing cause I hope he’s wrong

I don’t think it ever crossed his mind

He tells a joke, I fake a smile

But I know all his favorite songs


I could tell you

His favorite color’s green

He loves to argue

Born on the seventeenth

His sister’s beautiful

He has his father’s eyes

And if you ask me if I love him

I’d lie

He looks around the room

Innocently overlooks the truth

Shouldn’t a light go on?

Doesn’t he know that I’ve had him memorized for so long?

He sees everything in black and white

Never lets no body see him cry

And I don’t let no body see me wishing he was mine

I could tell you

His favorite color’s green

He loves to argue

Born on the seventeenth

His sister’s beautiful

He has his father’s eyes

And if you ask me if I love him

I’d lie

He stands there then walks away

My God if I could only say

I’m holding every breath for you

He’d never tell you

But he can play guitar

I think he can see through

Everything but my heart

First thought when I wake up

Is my God he’s beautiful

So I put on my make-up

And pray for a miracle

Yes And

I could tell you

His favorite color's green

He loves to argue

Oh and it kills me

His sister's beautiful

He has his father's eyes

And if you asked me if I love him

Don't you ask me if I love him

Cause I’d lie

i could spend my life in this sweet surrender;

Saturday, March 01, 2008

10:46 AM

This is to any member of the male population reading my blog: The following content contains detailed information that you may not wish to know about. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I had Phyisical Training yesterday for both PE and CCA. That probably explains the reason why my whole body is aching like anything. The 3 rounds around the track, 60 sit-ups and 60 push-ups in PE was bad enough, but the 2 rounds and 50 push-ups during CCA just added to the pain. To make matters worse, we lunged around half the track and I did 30 squats with the Year 1s right after lunging. Soon after that, we sprinted across the damn field to fall in for last parade. I think I gave the term 'fall in' a new literal meaning when I literally fell into the squad because my legs very nearly gave way.

Before I continue though, I must share this rather dumb thing I almost did yesterday. After one of their many water parades, I told the Year 2s to 'cap your bottles'. And so they obediently capped their bottles, by placing the bottle cap gently on top of the bottle mouth. I wanted to tell them to screw the caps back on. I turned to XiangYun and asked, "Right, so what am I supposed to say now? Screw your bottle caps? *momentary pause* OH MY FKING GAWD DID I JUST SAY THAT?!" I ran away to leave XiangYun to do the rest of the job. I think I'd have died of laughter if I really said that.

I deformed a bottle of green tea after CCA, because its contents were frozen into ice and I couldn't drink a single drop. I had to smash it against the table (which cracked) repeatedly and shake it vigorously and hurl it at the floor all in front of my juniors who must think that their Staff LiLin is insanely violent. Not that I care. And the story starts after the bottle of green tea. Just after I threw the finished bottle away, I felt something drastic happening and grabbed Ningyi to tell her what happened. Unfortunately, we didn't get to go to the toilet. But that's alright.

The people who've had serious exercise before would probably understand that all the muscle aches come the next day (i.e: today). So now I'm suffering from muscle aches all over and am cramping like someone just wound my insides around a stick. I can't even move myself from this freaking fetal position. I think I'm dying. The medicine isn't working for the first time in its life and I've slurped so many cups of hot water that my back teeth should be floating in water already. I'm going to tear up soon if this doesn't stop. I hate being a girl. Shit this. ):

That GPA 3.0 is running further and further out of reach. Soon, I won't even be able to even brush my fingertips against it. My current GPA is 1.6. That's practically half a goal away. I scored A1 for my Language Arts and Elit. And then I got E8 and F9 for all the rest of my subjects - I kid you not. Why do I bother studying? I ended up doodling through the rest of my Physics lesson rather than listen to Suria digressing from magnetic field properties to something which I didn't understand. At all.

Yeah that's what I doodled. The black and red lines are words, if you're a blind old bat.

I got scolded by my mother again when she saw the 'LILIN' I drew on my arm. ): I was bored during a lecture, what can you expect? At least I wrote my own name and not 'DEATH' or something like that. I scribbled that onto someone's table during Elit lesson. When I went back the next day, it was already erased. Guess I freaked someone out.

I realized that all the courses that I wish to take in Uni are courses which have requirements I cannot reach. I want to get into Human Resource Consulting, but I need a H1 level pass in Mathematics - and I'm not even sure if I can pass my Maths. I want to study Law, but then I suddenly wondered if I can even make it past the stupid IP thing.

I'm going to go finish reading 'Jonnie the Girl', continue turning to mush while dreaming of Ryder then start on my homework after lunch. And tomorrow, I'll study my Trigonometry for Monday's Mathematics Test 2. And I will study, just you wait and see. Wow. That rhymed.

x Maths Worksheet 1F - Applications of Trigonometry/Circular Measure

x English Expository Writing

x Singapore Studies Switzerland (Don't ask me why we're studying Switzerland when the compulsory subject is clearly named 'SINGAPORE Studies'. Note that I have bolded and Cap-ed the 'Singapore'.)


Her Royal Highness, Princess Li Lin, Queen of the Cats

P.S: I'm in a hell lot of pain. Somebody kill me.

i could spend my life in this sweet surrender;


Hello. This is Li Lin, also known as KO7 or Han (don't ask).
I'm currently trapped in a hell hole with uniforms that make us look like nurses.
I'm 15 and am just this close to killing myself.
FuckedUp.Insecure.Neurotic.Emotional; Just F.I.N.E
Hell yeah, that's me. You got a fking problem?


I have a weird fetish with black and red things.
I like dogs&cats and any other animal.
I enjoy writing&reading.
I think self-mutilation is acceptable.


I hate life.


I want to study hard.
I want to be emotionless.
I want to stop giving a shit about everything.






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BLACKMAGE from deviantart

designed by junying


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